VESC VESC6 VESC4 VESC_TOOL VESC TOOL esk8 electric skateboard electric longboard electric mountainboard efoil electric surfboard

How to do when first connect your VESC or VESC based controller to VESC_TOOL ?

How to do when first connect your VESC or VESC based controller to VESC_TOOL ?

1.  When first connect your VESC or VESC based controller to VESC_TOOL, it will install driver automatically, please make sure your computer is connected to internet. 

VESC VESC6 VESC4 VESC_TOOL VESC TOOL esk8 electric skateboard electric longboard electric mountainboard efoil electric surfboard

 2. After driver is installed, it will show the virtual port (COM18 in the video and screenshot) for this VESC or VESC based controller

VESC VESC6 VESC4 VESC_TOOL VESC TOOL esk8 electric skateboard electric longboard electric mountainboard efoil electric surfboard

3. Refresh your VESC_TOOl to get the correct port. 

VESC VESC6 VESC4 VESC_TOOL VESC TOOL esk8 electric skateboard electric longboard electric mountainboard efoil electric surfboard

4. If the connection port is wrong, it won't connect. 

VESC VESC6 VESC4 VESC_TOOL VESC TOOL esk8 electric skateboard electric longboard electric mountainboard efoil electric surfboard

Check video for detailed steps: 

- VESC based controllers in our shop:

50A VESC4.12 vedder ESC 100A VESC4 based controller Superfoc6.8 VESC6 based controller200a VESC6 based controller300A 75V VESC based controller


More reference: If my computer can not download driver automitically, how should I do? Please check following blog:

How to install VESC Driver Manually? VESC Driver Installation Tutorial

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