How to Connect Encoder to VESC without Remove Pull-up Resistor?

How to Connect Encoder to VESC without Remove Pull-up Resistor?

What is encoder? 

An encoder is a device that complies and converts a signal or data into a signal from that can be used for communication, transmission and storage. 

What applications can use an encoder? 

Encoder is widely used in cut-to-length applications, plotters, robotics, packaging, conveying, automation, sorting, filling, imaging, etc., 

How to connect encoder to Maytech VESC? 

Here take AS5047P magnetic encoder as example, usually to encoder need to remove pull-up resistor, here's a way that no need to remove pull-up resistor, connect "5V, GND, PWM, V, U" on encoder to VESC hall sensor port. 

encoder for programming convert PWM signal, electric robots, reprogramming, VESC speed controller, electric controllerm, benjamin vedder, filter

Recommend following VESC based ESCs: 

Maytech 85V 300A 400A VESC 75V based speed controller Maytech New 200A 60V MTSVESC7.12 SUPERCASE200A VESC75 based controller Maytech 200A 12S MTSVESC6.0 based Speed Controller Vedder Benjamin VESC Maytech 50A SUPERFOC6.8 based on VESC6 Speed Controller Maytech MTVESC50A 50A SuperESC based on VESC4.12 speed controller Bejamin Vedder VESC New MTVESC100A 100A 12S ESC based on VESC speed controller

MTVESC7.5DU Dual 50A VESC based Electric Speed Controller With Aluminum Case Maytech High Voltage 75V 50A 100A VESC7.5 based controller MTSVESC7.5R Maytech Mini VESC6 based controller 30A 10S 42V MTSVESC6.0MINI
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