Happy Chinese New Year Holidays!! BUT Promotion doesn't have holidays!!!

Happy Chinese New Year Holidays!! BUT Promotion doesn't have holidays!!!

Take your passion and make it come true. Wish you a healthy and prosperous 2020 !

We are in holidays till 30th Jan 2020. BUT Promotion doesn't have holidays. All orders will be arranged according to payment time. Please place order, and we will arrange them asap after holidays. 

More than 30,000 years ago, Chinese ancestors invented the 10 Tian Gan(or heavenly stems)and 12 Di Zhi(or 12 earthly branches for chronological purpose. Later, people used 12 animals to symbolize the 12 earthly branches in order to make things easier to memorize and the animals in order are the mouse, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, rooster, dog and pig. You might found out that many Chinese people strongly believe that the time of a person's birth is primary factor in determining that person's characteristics.

According to one legend, Buddha invited all the animals to his kingdom, but unfortunately, only a total of 12 turned up, the mouse was naturally the first, followed by the ox, then tiger, the rabbit and so on. Out of gratitude, Buddha decided to name the year after each of the animals in their order of arrival. It is essential in China that every person knows which animal sign he is born under and most of Chinese truly believe that the signs reveal the hidden secrets of a person's birth is primary factor in determining that person's characteristics.

1. Year of the Rat  鼠年

2. Year of the Ox  牛年

3. Year of the Tiger 虎年

4. Year of the Rabbit  兔年

5. Year of the Dragon  龙年

6. Year of the Snake   蛇年

7. Year of the Horse  马年

8. Year of the Goat  羊年

9. Year of the Monkey  猴年

10. Year of the Rooster 鸡年

11. Year of the Dog  狗年

12. Year of the Boar  猪年

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