How to install VESC Driver? VESC Driver Installation Tutorial

How to install VESC Driver? VESC Driver Installation Tutorial

How to install VESC Driver? VESC Driver Installation Tutorial

Please download Driver:

There are 3 installation methods for VESC Driver:

  1. Install Driver without plugged USB, but after installation, plug in the usb, the driver will assign a virtual port number.
  2. If the driver is not an executable program, then manuallyselect the Driver to install: you need to insert the usb to continue the installation. Please use the above Driver β€œinf” file.
  3. If the computer is connected to the Internet, after plugging in the USB, windows will automatically search for the drive online. This process is very long, about 5 minutes.

If installΒ manually:

The first step: select the device manager, find the device corresponding to the inserted USB, if the inserted USB device does not have a corresponding driver, an exclamation markΒ β€œ!” will be displayed, select the device, right-click and select "Update Driver” .

How to install VESC Driver?

Second step: Select "Browse my computer for driver software".

How to install VESC Driver?

Third Step: Select Driver file.

How to install VESC Driver?

How to install VESC Driver?

Four: go to the next step.

How to install VESC Driver?


-Β VESC based controllers in our shop:

50A VESC4.12 vedder ESC 100A VESC4 based controller Superfoc6.8 VESC6 based controller200a VESC6 based controller300A 75V VESC based controller


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Excellent! Very helpful! Thankypu!!

John Mason

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